Sun, 20 Nov 2005

Using udev and autofs Under Debian with an iPod and Camera

Last week, I set up udev on my desktop machine. udev is the Linux 2.6 way of dynamically managing the /dev directory. It populates /dev only with devices that actually exist, and adds and removes entries as devices are plugged in or removed from the system. In addition, it allows the entries in /dev to be named consistently.

Consistent naming of /dev entries solves a big problem with using USB devices under Linux. Many USB devices use the usb-storage module, appearing as SCSI devices. The problem is that the name the kernel gives to the devices depends on the order in which they are plugged into the system.

For example, I might plug my iPod Shuffle into my computer, and the kernel would name it /dev/sdd. Then I plug in my camera, and the kernel would call it sde. But if I had plugged them in in the opposite order, their names would have been reversed. This makes it difficult to mount them without first checking dmesg to find out what the device has been named.

udev solves this problem by allowing me to tell it what to name a device when it is detected. udev uses information from sysfs to determine which device is plugged in. I have configured udev to name a device whose vendor attribute is "Apple" /dev/ipod and a device whose vendor is "Pentax" /dev/camera. The Debian udev packages put the udev rules in /etc/udev/rules.d. So I created /etc/udev/rules.d/50-custom.rules which contains:
BUS=="scsi", SYSFS{vendor}=="Pentax", NAME{all_partitions}="camera", GROUP="plugdev"
BUS=="scsi", SYSFS{vendor}=="Apple", NAME{all_partitions}="ipod", GROUP="plugdev"

The NAME{all_partitions} part tells udev to create device entries for all of the block device's partitions, so it will create /dev/ipod[1-15] and /dev/camera[1-15], allowing me to mount the FAT partitions on each. See Daniel Drake's guide to writing udev rules for more information on configuring udev.

Now that my iPod and camera are consistently named, I'd like to be able to access them from within gtkpod and digikam, the applications I use to manage the files on them, respectively, without having to manually mount them. While gtkpod has an option to mount the iPod, digikam does not. I have my camera set up in digikam as a generic USB mass storage device, for which you just need to configure a directory to browse.

Following the tutorial, I set up autofs to automatically mount the usb devices when they are accessed, and unmount them when they're no longer being used. So after installing the autofs package, I added the following line to /etc/auto.master:
/var/autofs/removable /etc/auto.removable --timeout=2

And in /etc/auto.removable, I put:
ipod -fstype=vfat,rw,gid=46,umask=002 :/dev/ipod1
camera -fstype=vfat,rw,gid=46,umask=002 :/dev/camera1

Then I made /media/ipod a symlink to /var/autofs/removable/ipod and /media/camera a symlink to /var/autofs/removable/camera. When I access /media/camera, automount automatically mounts /dev/camera1 as /var/autofs/removable/camera if it has been created by udev. After it hasn't been accessed for two seconds, it will be unmounted (which might take a little while if there are buffers which haven't been flushed out to the drive).

Update (8/12/06): I fixed the rules to use the proper equality test, == rather than =, which newer versions of udev require. Thanks to Andrew Schulman for pointing this out.

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