There's a shell script on the IBM DeveloperWorks forum describing how to run Cast Iron Studio on Linux, but it's from 2010. This describes the steps I followed to get Cast Iron Studio 7.5 running on Linux.
Download the latest version of Cast Iron Studio, as of 2017-07-07:
The installation file is distributed as a Windows executable self-extracting zip file. The paths within the zip file contain backslashes rather than path-independent directory delimiters so the zip file needs to be fixed up before extracting it.
Use Info-ZIP's zip to strip the self-extracting stub from the zip file and to fix the structure:
$ zip -F -J --out
Then use 7z's rename function to convert the backslashes to slashes within the archive.
$ 7z rn $(7z l | grep '\\' | awk '{ print $6, gensub(/\\/, "/", "g", $6); }' | paste -s)
Now you can unzip
Finally, here's the modified version of the shell script I found above used to start Cast Iron Studio. Put it in the directory where you unzipped
#!/bin/bash # Tell Java that the window manager is LG3D to avoid grey window /usr/bin/wmname LG3D THIS=$(readlink -f $0) DIST_HOME=$(dirname "$THIS") cd "$DIST_HOME" LIB_PATH="" LIB_PATH=$LIB_PATH:resources for f in `find plugins -type f -name '*.jar'`; do LIB_PATH=$LIB_PATH:$f done export OSGI_FRAMEWORK_JAR=org.eclipse.osgi_3.10.1.v20140909-1633.jar export SET MAIN_CLASS=org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter export IH_LOGGING_PROPS="resources/" export ENDORSED="-Djava.endorsed.dirs=endorsed-lib" export KEYSTORE="" export TRUSTSTORE="" export LOGIN_CTX="" export JAAS_CONFIG="" export JVM_DIRECTIVES=" -Djava.util.logging.config.file=$IH_LOGGING_PROPS -Djgoodies.fontSizeHints=SMALL "-Dinstall4j.launcherId=10" -Dinstall4j.swt=false" export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/ibm-java-x86_64-80 "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" -client $ENDORSED $KEYSTORE $TRUSTSTORE $LOGIN_CTX $JAAS_CONFIG $YP_AGENT $PROFILINGAGENT $JVM_DIRECTIVES -Dcom.approuter.maestro.opera.sessionFactory=com.approuter.maestro.opera.ram.RamSessionFactory -Djgoodies.fontSizeHints=SMALL -Xmx2048M -Xms512M -Xbootclasspath/p:$LIB_PATH -jar $OSGI_FRAMEWORK_JAR
Update JAVA_HOME to the path to your jvm. Performance seems to be better with the IBM jvm than the Oracle jvm.
The state is that great fiction by which everyone tries to live at the expense of everyone else. - Frederic Bastiat