I can finally make good coffee at home. Over the past year, I've gone from
being a one-latte-a-week coffee drinker to a daily consumer. The problem is
that I have been unable to make a decent cup of coffee. I have a one-cup
french press and a moka.
I can't get a good cup of coffee out of either. Lately, I've been using
instant coffee which isn't too good, but at least I can't ruin it.
So, I finally got a proper coffee machine, a DeLonghi espresso maker. I bought some pre-ground espresso from Caffe Latte on Wilshire since I only have a whirling blade grinder, which I've read is not recommended for espresso. I'll try out the grinder later, but I wanted to make sure that my first cup of coffee was delicious, and it was. The machine also came with some Illy pods, but I haven't tried them out yet.
Now that lattes don't cost $3, I want to drink them all day, and I'm worried about excessive caffeine intake. The problems of living in modern society...
The state is that great fiction by which everyone tries to live at the expense of everyone else. - Frederic Bastiat